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Being free from societal impositions

Life No comments » 04 Aug 2023

From childhood, a person’s life standards are determined. These can include communication style, ethics, how to dress and appear, religious beliefs, attractive and humble professions, the obligation to create a family and have children, and so on. Some individuals remain faithful to all imposed principles throughout their lives, becoming accustomed and content with them. Others contemplate this, sensing a lack of freedom, but fear making changes as it contradicts societal norms.

It is not beneficial for the government and large corporations if all people are free from consumer and other stereotypical impositions. Therefore, they influence society through propaganda, advertising, movies, music videos, and other means. They pay celebrities to set an example to follow. One vivid example is how beauty standards are imposed on women. Shaving of legs was successfully imposed many decades ago, even though natural body hair is a norm. Yes, I agree, it’s a matter of grooming and aesthetics. However, if a well-groomed, healthy woman chooses not to shave her legs, she is often judged by society, especially by men. And this is a result of the propaganda by big corporations… Every individual faces the fact that they need to do something, possibly against their will, to fit into society.

Yes, indeed, there are norms that are present everywhere on the planet, even without laws and commercial interests. These norms are quite obvious: not causing pain and harm to others, hygiene, maintaining one’s own health, and similar aspects. It’s logical when society isolates criminals who cause harm. It’s illogical when people are dictated how they should look.

So, how can one overcome the fear of societal judgment and become free from impositions? No person asked to be born. Every healthy and developed individual possesses intellect. Our actions are based on logic or emotions. From this, one can conclude that we are all free and have the right to do or not do something, as long as it doesn’t harm others and isn’t immoral.

Remember these simple principles:

  • Strangers around us don’t think about us for very long or pay much attention at all.
  • It’s more comfortable to live thinking with your own head. Don’t let authorities or commercial companies decide who you should be.
  • Let go of the desire to show off and the need to know what others think of us. This reflects loneliness, insecurity, and lack of self-confidence.
  • Improve yourself, become wiser, be honest, be disciplined, respect yourself, love yourself, strive for any success. By the way, practical pursuit of success helps reduce dependence on others.
  • Not everyone will like you – that’s normal. Don’t react to it at all. Just like you might not appeal to someone, you’ll also be liked by someone else 🙂

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