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Conquer the love of man or seek reciprocity?

Usually, when one person likes another, there is a desire to show sympathy, and this is a normal phenomenon. Maybe not just once, but several times. In this case, such a manifestation can be expressed through compliments, gestures of kindness, small symbolic gifts, and similar actions. It is pleasant and joyful when there is a mutual reaction in response to these actions. However, two primary situations can lead to trouble. I suggest you take a look at them from an outside perspective.

  1. The lack of reciprocity can be silent, without a reaction, but without giving up attention on the part of the admirer. It appears to be manipulative. In other words, there is no reciprocity, but it feels good to like someone. Is it a bad thing to do? Yes! Playing with people’s feelings is not good. It is better to stop communicating with such a person.
  2. The lack of reciprocity is a negative reaction to the expression of sympathy. In this case, there are few chances. In my subjective opinion, in the future, if you continue to “chase” after such a person, it will be a waste of time.
  3. The person you like directly mentions the lack of reciprocity. “You can’t force love.” Almost everyone has heard this expression, but many people continue to “impose” their feelings. Why waste moral and material resources if a signal has already been given from the very beginning that this should not be done? Even if after expending numerous efforts, a person agrees to be together, will it be because of genuine mutual liking? The person who agrees will still have doubts, and it’s unlikely that it will lead to a strong relationship.

That is, even by considering these classic common scenarios, we can conclude that there is no need to spend time and resources if there is no reciprocity. One should not try to earn love, as it arises naturally between two people. For someone who is attempting to attain love from another person, it will only result in moral suffering.

And finally, I will say that fully mature person loves themselves and respects themselves first. They value their time and their moral well-being. Such a person usually is more likeable to others. Furthermore, reciprocity is the foundation of harmonious and strong relationships. Reciprocity is not about acts for the sake of seeking attention, but it’s the pleasure of what you do for each other.

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