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Intellect and happiness – are these concepts compatible in the same person?

Life No comments » 07 Feb 2023

It is important to know that reason and wisdom are different things. A person with a high level of intelligence is not always proportionately wise. Therefore, even having knowledge in the sciences, being able to solve complex professional issues, one can make false life decisions that lead to disappointment. In itself, a high level of intelligence does not make a person unhappy, but happiness contains many other components individually for each individual person. The person who develops in many ways will be happy.

A classic example where a person is among the “not their”. Ignorant people will not understand the intellectual man. Conversely, the fool will not be comfortable among the clever. It is another proof that the mind itself does not make a person miserable.

But there are negative aspects of the developed mind. Intelligent people look at the world with prejudice and soberness. Because of the constant considerations about life there are many requirements for life itself, for yourself and for others. Such demands may be unjustified. This reduces the level of happiness and comfort. Intelligent people are more likely to know and think about the problems of humanity, society and many other life processes. And as we know, everything around us is not perfect. Therefore, the one who thinks about it often – risks reducing the level of happiness. Here it is necessary to return to the beginning of the article, where I write about wisdom, which in symbiosis with intelligence will make a person happy. In this case, there is effective advice – to determine your attitude to those things that are disturbing.

It is not correct to say that intelligent people are unhappy, many other factors affect this. How do you feel about that?

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