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Is it bad to assert yourself at the expense of supporters in social networks?

Life No comments » 15 Feb 2024

In today’s world, where virtual space has become an integral part of everyday life, more and more people seek self-affirmation and recognition within it. Social networks and online games have become places where one can easily get attention and support from others. However, often this artificial self-affirmation is achieved through imitation of success and popularity.

Receiving likes and comments on social networks may seem important, but in reality, it’s not the kind of attention that can provide a sense of genuine interaction and support. The majority of these interactions are superficial and fleeting, not bringing deep satisfaction or real connection with others.

True happiness and fulfillment come from interaction with real people in real life. Deep conversations, mutual support, and genuine community are what create a sense of true belonging and importance. Seeking loyalty and attention from a small circle of close friends and family who truly understand and support us proves to be much more valuable than mass attention from strangers online.

The craving for fame and popularity, often present in the online environment, can become a harmful illusion. The desire for recognition can turn into a compulsive need that, instead of happiness, brings only stress and dissatisfaction. It’s important to remember that the true value lies not in the quantity of likes, but in the quality of interaction and support we receive from genuine relationships in real life.

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